One of the main aims of this project is to develop a proposal for a National Plan for Energy Efficiency in Argentina (PlanEEAr), focusing on three sectors selected for their energy, social and environmental relevance:
Study the various energy efficiency opportunities that the country presents, based on the interaction with the representatives of the productive sectors of goods and services.
Analyze other international experience, including different alternatives and evaluate the mechanisms for their adoption at user level.
As a corollary to the above, identify the existing opportunities in each of the priority sectors.
Estimate the existing barriers in the different sectors for the adoption of efficiency measures.
Development of a prospective for 2030/2040 that includes the possible avoided energy options, within the framework of the proposed policies and strategies identified in the plan proposal.
A fundamental phase in the elaboration of the Energy Efficiency National Plan/ PlanEEAr is the identification of the obstacles or challenges that explain the behavior of the different stakeholders. These are usually classified as gaps or barriers that energy efficiency actions face when being implemented.
In many cases, despite being cost effective, the stakeholders do not take many energy efficiency measures (both in the residential area and in the industrial sector), since there are different types of barriers faced that must be removed through policies.
Only a diagnosis that contains a correct identification of the barriers to overcome can result in a set of appropriate instruments.
The elaboration of the PlanEEAr is structured through a participatory process for the identification of Energy Efficiency barriers following a well-known strategy of qualitative research in social sciences: the so-called "focus group" or "discussion groups". This process has at least three contact stages with key stakeholders from the energy efficiency policy: conducting interviews, exploratory workshops and validation workshops. There is also a discussion stage with the government entities in charge of the implementation of the proposed instruments.
When it comes to developing a Plan, we need to formulate scenarios where different situations of possible futures are raised and different strategies are evaluated in order to attain the objectives set, while considering the potential reaction of the social stakeholders.
In this framework, based on the results of the energy diagnostics, 2040 energy and socio-economic scenarios will be developed. These scenarios will include different ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES.
In order to elaborate the PlanEEAr proposal, we launched a survey on the provincial initiatives in Energy Efficiency, in order to learn from recent experiences and see which are the main problems faced when promoting this type of actions.
It is in this context that the creation of an Energy Efficiency network among the provinces is proposed as an institutional initiative, in order to generate synergies among the implemented actions.